Thursday, January 5, 2012

Re-jetting is finally done (well, mostly done)

Yes, it has taken a while but I'm mostly done with the carb re-jetting. First I had to loosen the bonnet and remove the air cleaner to access the idle jets. Each carb has 2 idle jets and they are screwed into the side of the carb body. I pulled the 0.57 idle jets and returned to the original 0.55 size. Then I started the car and leaned out the idle mixture as much as I could before the engine started to stumble. I figure this is a good starting point. Once the idle jets were replaced, I could then put the air cleaner back on.

This is a shot of the tube where the main jet is held. Each carb has 2 main jets. Fortunately, the main jets are accessible without removing the air cleaner. I replaced the original 125 main jets with slightly larger 130 jets. The tube seen in the photo is actually three pieces. There is the air corrector (AC) at the top (where the threads are), then the emulsion tube (ET) and the main jet at the bottom. I only changed out the main and opted for now to leave the 200 AC jet and the F36 ET.

As soon as I got finished, it started to rain. The next dry spot of daylight I get, I'll take the car out and do some fine tuning. Basically, this means driving until it's up to operating temperature, then mashing on the throttle. The engine should rev smoothly with no hesitation. If there is, I'll richen the mixture slightly and repeat until any hesitation goes away. That's the plan anyhow for the next dry day.