Sunday, November 20, 2016

Distributor work

 My car was running Crane XR700 electronic ignition with pickups in each distributor. I decided to go with the Pertronix 9MR-183 kit to move the trigger to a single distributor. That makes setting the timing easier and I don't need to rely on both distributors advancing at exactly the same rate. 

The mechanical advance mechanism was seized -- the original grease had turned into a hard waxy substance. Both distributors needed to be disassembed, cleaned, lubed and reassembled.

Friday, November 18, 2016

New lines from front to back

 Another thing I wanted done was replacing the long heater hoses and AC lines that run the length of the car along the door sills. This was something I didn't do in 2009 and it needed to be done. My AC did not work and this was a good opportunity to just replace the lines and do a full R134a conversion. Not that it gets that hot around here but it will be really cool (no pun intended) to have air conditioning.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Water pump evaluation

When I had the water pump off in 2009, I debated whether to get it rebuilt, "just in case." I ended up not doing it at the time and David did not think it needed to be rebuilt now. It's a later model large bearing pump and appears to be in good shape. He'll replace the outer seal and call it a day.