The weather has been nice again so I've been taking advantage where possible. I drove the 308 to work one day last week and again yesterday. On the freeway on the way home, the alternator warning light came on at about 3500rpm. I increased the revs but the light stayed on. Hmmm...not good. After a few minutes of changing engine speed, the light went off. Then it flicker on a little, then eventually turned off for good and it didn't come on again the rest of the way home.
Now I'm trying to figure out what to do. I suspect that the alternator is on it's last legs, but I don't know that for sure. The battery is less than a year old so I don't think that's the problem. Since the alternator is a PITA to get to, I don't really want to pull it to get tested. If I pull it, it'll be to replace it with a new one. Now comes the research to figure out what alternator will work. The "proper" one from a Ferrari parts place is almost $500!