These filters are made by Baldwin (B253 oil and PA2094 air), which is a different brand than the UFI oil filter I am currently using. The 308 engine has the oil filter on top, which means that it uses a special filter design. Any filter used on this engine must have an internal stand pipe, which keeps oil from draining out of the filter when the engine isn't running. Most 308 folks use either UFI or Baldwin filters, even though Fram, Mobile and others make them. I have heard horror stories and seen pictures of Fram filters collapsing. Also, I heard that a number of UFI filters exploded after a design flaw many years back.
Baldwin has an interesting story. They've been around since 1936 and they mainly make filters for commercial applications so they're not really well known in the public automotive industry. Most people have never heard of them because you don't see their name on the filter shelf at your local auto parts store. Rumor has it that J.A. Baldwin and Enzo Ferrari were friends back in the old days. Baldwin owned a Ferrari (rumored 275GTB4 or a Daytona) which he kept at the plant. They continue to make great filters for many Ferrari models. The funny thing is that Baldwin filters are available at most truck stops, and even though most don't stock it, you can have them order up a Ferrari filter for you! I got mine from Associated Diesel and while I was ordering, I got a Baldwin T-shirt as well.