I finally changed my oil. Those observant readers will note that I have not blogged about changing the oil since 2009. Yes, I admit it -- this is my first oil change since the car's been back on the road. Overdue yes but better late than never.
Rather than using a synthetic, I'm running good old fashioned Castrol GTX 5W-30 dinosaur oil. Word is that these older engines will leak oil with modern synthetics and it's not like I need even more leaks. What do you call a Ferrari that doesn't leak? Out of oil!
Just for kicks, I decided to cut open the old UFI filter. Not much to the inside of a filter. Just the paper element, a spring and a seal. The one thing unique about 308 filters is the stand tube (the silver metal tube in the photo). Since the filter is installed upside down on the top of the engine, the stand tube keeps oil from draining out of the filter.
I cut out a section of filter paper and used a vise to squeeze out the excess oil. In the paper, I can see a few small specks of metal -- probably one speck every three or four folds. I think this is ok and nothing to worry about. If there was more metal specks, then that would be something to worry about.