One of the things that needs to be re-assembled is the interior. It looks like the inside was reworked at the same time it was being repainted. The seats and dash are in, but most of the trim and door panels are out. When I was looking at the guts of the door, I noticed something that looked out of place. There was clear plastic sheeting, duct tape and zip ties that did not belong. Inside each door, there was something odd suspended in the space next to the window. Turns out that it's someone's 80's hack for the speakers.
This is what appears to be a speaker crossover from a home speaker. A crossover is an electronic device that takes a single speaker output and splits the signal for separate woofer, mid and tweeter speakers. I suspect that someone gutted a home speaker, pulled out the crossover panel, wired it to component speakers in the car, put the entire crossover in a plastic bag, then hung it inside the door. Crazy!