1) In 1978, no one gave any thought to rust-proofing. Ferrari didn't start using rust-proofing until about 1985. A lot of the older cars like mine had a bare minimum of sprayed-on undercoating which didn't offer much protection.
2) When I put the rear quarter windows back in, I didn't seal them like I had planned. I have a tube of 3M window sealant, but it's sitting on a shelf. I know that I'll get a heck of a leak in the rain.
3) Rain make a car dirty. Yes, I know. It seems trivial but this is a big deal. As much as I'd love to have all the time in the world to clean my car, this is not the case.
4) Surprisingly, the car has very little rust and I'd like to keep it that way. Water has a way of working it's way down to the lowest crevices in doors and panels where cancel begins.

This is what the weekend forecast looks like. It looks an awful lot like last weekend's forecast and probably the next one too. Doesn't look like I'll get much driving done.