Wednesday, August 19, 2009


With parts on the way, I'm starting to disassemble the components on the top and front of the engine. To get to all the coolant hoses, I need to remove the carburators. Well, I don't know that for sure, but it'll make things a lot easier. Here's a shot with two of the carbs removed. As you can see, there is quite a bit of corrosion around that upper coolant hose. What you can't see here is that there is another coolant hose, tucked away out of reach down below the visible hose.

I discovered that there's an order to removal (and assembly) of the carbs. In order to reach certain nuts, you need to have certain carbs out of the way. I took photos along the way so I know how they go back on.

After removing what I could on top, I turned my attention to the front of the engine. I will be replacing the timing belts as well, which means removing the engine belts and A/C compressor. While I'm at it, I'll remove the water pump and perhaps have it rebuilt. The water pumps are notorious for crapping out and they recommend a rebuild or replacement with each timing belt service. Why? Because you can't get to the pump without removing almost everything off the front of the engine anyway.