Well, it's both a todo list and a to-buy list. Here's what I figure I need to do in order to get the engine running.
1) Replace coolant hoses
2) Replace fuel hoses
3) Replace timing belts and tensioners
4) Get new battery
5) Change all fluids
Because the engine is in the back and the radiator is in the front, the cooling system in this car has many long runs. It's interesting because there is only one molded hose (a 90 degree elbow). The rest of the hose pieces are straight. This is because most of the pipes are bent aluminum tubes with short pieces of hose to connect them. This is good (sort of) because I don't need to go looking for all these special molded hoses. On the flip side, this is bad because there are no less than ten of these short pieces and of course they are in really difficult to reach places.
I've been reading a lot on fuel hoses. Obviously, I don't want to replace the hoses again anytime real soon so I want to use good quality hoses. There seems to be some debate on what is the best thing to use. Today's fuel contains Ethanol, and will destroy a garden-variety rubber fuel hose pretty quickly. This car has two fuel tanks and they are connected by an aluminum crossover pipe and short sections of fuel line. These sections take a punishment and you definitely don't want to have a blowout. After hearing good things, I turned to Dave Helms at Scuderia Rampante Ferrari in Boulder, CO. He's got a fuel line with a Nomex/Arimid covering, silicone body and a liner designed for today and tomorrow's fuels.
Care of the timing belts on these cars is absolutely critical. These are interference engines, which means that if a timing belt fails, the valves will have a close encounter with the pistons. The recommended replacement period is 3 years or 30,000 miles. Some people replace them every 15,000 miles. I figure it's cheap insurance. Spending $200 in parts is better than a $10,000 engine rebuild. This car's been in storage for almost 20 years so I am at least 17 years overdue for a belt change.
Supposedly, this car ran fine before it went into storage. I'm going to start with replacing just the hoses, fluids, battery and timing belts. After that, put it back together and try to start it. If it runs, great! If not, cry, then deal with it.