Friday, December 11, 2009

Still at it...

Carb #2 -- done! The thing that takes the most time is the cleaning. I start by putting the entire carburetor into the ultrasonic cleaner for about 30 minutes. Then I take it apart and put the parts back in for another 15 minutes or so. With the help of a toothbrush, everything comes out squeaky clean and it's so much better working with clean parts.

The other thing that takes a lot of time is removing the butterfly shaft bearings. It would be much easier if I removed the butterfly plates and pulled the entire shaft, but I didn't want the hassle of removing then restaking the plate screws. Getting the bearings out involves a lot of prying, pulling and cursing. I'm getting faster though as getting carb #2 back together was faster than #1. With any luck, I'll be able to get the other two done tomorrow.