After consulting the experts on F-Chat and lots of thinking, I've got a plan of attack. Since the clutch is slipping pretty badly, I'm going to go ahead and replace it. There is a clutch linkage adjustment, but I have my doubts anyway that any amount of adjustment is going to make a difference. Even if it does, it'll be a temporary fix as this slipping clutch is going to get worse, not better. Unlike other cars where clutch replacement is a major life-changing event, the job on this car is supposed to be a piece of cake. It can be done almost completely from the driver's side wheelwell with the engine in the car. You really only need to get under the car to disconnect the clutch linkage.
To do the job, there is a one special nut that requires the use of a special tool. Birdman (of Birdman Ferrari and replacement 308 fusebox fame) has kindly agreed to loan me his Baum ring nut tool to do the job. In return, I will take lots of photos of the process and document the entire thing. Surprisingly, a clutch kit for this car is in line with what you'd expect to pay for any car. I placed an order today and it should be here in about a week.
After the new clutch is in, I'll try a different gearbox oil to see how much of a difference that makes in my 2nd gear shifting issue. Difference or no, I'll work on my double clutch technique for smoother shifts. If it does turn out to be a bad syncro...well, I'll deal with that down the road. I've had an idea in the back of my mind that I would be pulling the engine and transmission for a major service sometime in the next two years. The syncro will just be one other thing to replace when this happens.