Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Linkage on and adjusted

It took a lot of wrestling, but the clutch linkage is back together and adjusted. The entire mechanism consists of a clutch cable on a turnbuckle pulling a pivot arm on a spring, which pulls another turnbuckle, which pulls another arm, which is attached to a shaft, which is attached to another arm which moves the throwout bearing.

To adjust it, I loosened all the turnbuckles and put a drill bit into a hole to lock the main pivot arm in place. With the arm locked, I adjusted the first turnbuckle to take the slack out of the cable, which also raises the pedal. Then I adjusted the other turnbuckle, to provide just enough slack so that the throwout bearing does not contact the pressure plate when the clutch is disengaged. It's actually a pretty slick system for adjustment. It took me a while to do all this because I wanted to make sure I was doing it right. Next, I'll put oil back in the transmission and reattach the last few pieces to finish off this job.

In case anyone is wondering on the exact adjustment procedure, there is a very good writeup on F-Chat. This procedure is only for the early 308 clutch as the later ones have a different linkage configuration.